Mettler DSC322 Instrument description Differential scanning calorimetry Description and functionality Differential scanning calorimetry is a technique in which the heat flux (power) to the sample is monitored against time or temperature while the temperature of the sample, in a specified atmosphere, is programmed. In practice, the difference in heat flux to a pan containing the sample and an empty pan is monitored. The instrument used is a differential scanning calorimeter or DSC. The DSC is commercially available as a power-compensating DSC or as a heat-flux DSC. Heat Flux DSC comprises the sample and reference holder, the heat resistor, the heat sink, and the heater. Heat of heater is supplied into the sample and the reference through heat sink and heat resistor. Heat flow is proportional to the heat difference of heat sink and holders. Heat sink has the enough heat capacity compared to the sample. In case the sample occurs endothermic or exothermic phenomena such as transition and reaction, this endothermic or exothermic phenomena is compensated by heat sink. Thus the temperature difference between the sample and the reference is kept constant. The difference the amount of heat supplied to the sample and the reference is proportional to the temperature difference of both holders. By calibrating the standard material, the unknown sample quantitative measurement is achievable. DSC enables the measurements of the transition such as the glass transition, melting, and crystallization. Furthermore, the chemical reaction such as thermal curing, heat history, specific heat capacity, and purity analysis are also measurable location and contact persons Contact person iolanda.francolini Laboratory denomination None Department or Institution Chimica Building CU014 Floor III Room 220 Sapienza institutional funding (Finanziamento di Ateneo) other external funding safety notes Special safety instructions None Safety data notes Gloves for cold nitrogen