Thermo Fisher Scientific, Attune NxT Flow Cytometer. Instrument description Flow Cytometer Description and functionality Suitable for single cell analysis. Equipped with acusting focusing, excitation laser at 488 nm, detection filters to detect FSC, SSC and fluorescence emission for green, yellow, red and far red. Implementable with more detection filters and excitation lasers. Analysis at flow rate between 12,5 µL/min and 1.000 µL/min, up to 35.000 events/second. 80 MESF for FITC, ≤30 MESF for PE, ≤70 MESF for APC. location and contact persons Contact person francesca.pagnanelli Laboratory denomination Microalgae laboratory Department or Institution Chimica Building CU014 Floor II Room 234 Sapienza institutional funding (Finanziamento di Ateneo) other external funding safety notes Safety data notes There are no particular safety procedures