Mass spectrometers

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Instrument description
Mass spectrometers
Description and functionality
- Q exactive: strumento ibrido con analizzatori di massa quadrupolo-Orbitrap accoppiato a cromatografo liquido HPLC acquistato con fondi di Ateneo per Medie e Grandi attrezzature

- Orbitrap Elite: strumento ibrido con analizzatori di massa trappola ionica lineare-Orbitrap accoppiato a cromatografo liquido nanoHPLC acquistato con fondi di Ateneo per Medie e Grandi attrezzature

- Orbitrap XL: strumento ibrido con analizzatori di massa trappola ionica lineare-Orbitrap accoppiato a cromatografo liquido nanoHPLC acquistato con fondi del gruppo da progetti vari

- TSQ Vantage: struemnto con analizzatori di massa a triplo quadrupolo accoppiato a cromatografo liquido HPLC acquistato con fondi del gruppo da progetti vari

Sistema di cromatografia liquida semipreparativa Shimadzu
Acquistato con fondi di Ateneo per Medie attrezzature

TSQ vantage

Mass spectrometry coupled to a separation technique as liquid chromatography is a powerful tool for the analysis of mixtures constituted by a large number of compounds, even present at trace levels. Mass spectrometry comprises diverse mass analyzers that can be subdivided into high-resolution and low-resolution ones. Mass analyzers as triple quadrupole (e.g. TSQ Vantage) work at low resolution, i.e., can provide only nominal mass of compounds, and are particularly useful for quantitative analysis. Indeed, operated in multiple reaction monitoring (one of the four available mass tandem acquisition modes within triple quadrupole mass analyzers) can allow the selective and accurate quantitation up to hundreds of compounds, if the authentic standards of target compounds are available. Some applications are determination of contaminants in environmental matrices (sludge, soil, surface waters etc.) or food, determination of natural compounds in food, target screening in biological fluids.

Orbitrap XL, Orbitrap Elite, Q exactive

Mass spectrometers with Orbitrap mass analyzers are classified as high-resolution mass spectrometers, i.e., can provide accurate mass measures, with mass error < 5 ppm on the exact mass. High-resolution instrumentation, therefore, can be applied also in target screening or even untargeted analysis applications. In these cases, a software for data handling and comparison with mass-spectra databases is required for supporting compound (tentative) identification. High resolution mass spectrometers coupled to nano-liquid chromatography systems (e.g. Orbitrap XL, Orbitrap Elite) are dedicated to the analysis of biomolecules, in particular for peptides obtained by enzymatic digestion of protein extracts. From the mass tandem spectra of peptides, their amino acid sequences are reconstructed and then they are attributed to a certain protein by a search engine by comparison to a protein sequence database.
Q exactive mass spectrometer is more suitable for metabolomics applications.

location and contact persons
Contact person
Laboratory denomination
Department or Institution
135 138
Sapienza institutional funding (Finanziamento di Ateneo)
Medium-sized Scientific Equipment (media attrezzatura)
safety notes
Safety data notes
Chemical fume hoods
Safety cabinet